What areas of academics does Ashley Newman Education, LLC specialize in?
Ashley Newman Education, LLC is Gwinnett’s Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Service. Ashley specializes in:
1:1 Homeschool Coaching and Academic Coaching for Grades 3-8 Students
Students with low/average academic motivation, confidence, accountability, and performance
Students who have attempted traditional tutoring, learning centers, or school interventions (SSTs, IEPs, etc.) with little to not growth
How is Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Programs different than traditional tutoring, learning centers, and school recommended interventions?
Generally, traditional tutoring and learning centers focus on homework help and current content areas in class. School interventions tend to focus on iReady diagnostic assessments to determine next steps for your student, but this time only addresses the tip of the iceberg for your student’s growth. I build customized, personalized academic plans for each of my students based on their areas of strength, growth, interests, motivators, and levels of confidence. Each of my one-of-a-kind students receives one-of-a-kind instruction that grows with them, keeping them engaged and excited to learn!
What is the average length of time that you have worked with former and current clients in the Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Program?
3 school years. Unlike my time as a classroom educator, where I only had the opportunity to work with students for 10 months, I now have the honor to work with incredible families in long-term settings to guide every step of the way for their academic success.
How many students have graduated from your Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Program due to extraordinary academic results?
9 students in Grades 3-8 have reached optimal academic success to meet the rigorous requirements to graduate from the ANE Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Program, since establishment in July of 2020.
How do I learn more about joining your programs for the 2024-2025 School Year?
Please schedule your Exclusive Exploratory Meeting as soon as possible for your best chances of working with Ashley. This meeting is required to determine qualification for our Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Program, Hyper-Customized Homeschool Program.
What is the current availability for the 2024-2025 School Year?
1:1 Hyper-Customized Homeschool Program: Waitlist Only.
1:1 Hyper-Customized Academic Coaching Program: Waitlist Only.
Do you provide financial assistance for your exclusive programs?
Not at this time. Any potential updates or changes to this company policy in the future will be made here.
Do you specialize in trauma recovery, drug recovery, and abuse recovery for students?
No. Ashley Newman Education, LLC specializes strictly in academic support. Please seek out a local specialist for guidance in these arenas.